
SolutionCorp Inc. is the leader in compliance solutions
We manage (click each for more info):
Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Our Vision
Our Mission
Our Core Values
To be the Compliance Solution and Consulting Services Company that is continually utilized through our excellent people and services
To best use our Technology, Innovation, Knowledge, Experience, and Skills to deliver cost effective solutions to our Clients
· Passionate People
· Integrity
· Balance

We Make It Happen
What started as an idea to create a better pipeline integrity compliance company, has turned into the fastest growing integrity company in Canada.
The dream when I started the company was to build a compliance company that was continuously being utilized through our excellent people and services and to provide the industry with a common sense approach and cost-effective solutions.
I am proud of where SolutionCorp Inc. fits into the upstream oil and gas industry. We are providing great solutions to compliance and integrity-related issues in the ever-changing regulatory environment and reducing failures and costs for our clients everyday.
Our people are dedicated and very experienced, and that approach to providing the best solutions for our clients is woven into the mission, vision, and core values of the company; and all who are a part of it, to ensure that our clients' infrastructure continues to be our number one priority.
We look forward to assisting our customers and are honoured to be a part of their trust and strategy on maintaining compliance.
Dean Lovell, CEO, SolutionCorp Inc.
From 2015-2017, SolutionCorp Inc. was recognized on Profit 500's list of Canada's Fastest Growing Companies and was ranked #127, #80, and #175 with a five year growth of 539%, 938%, and 384%, respectively. Additionally, SolutionCorp Inc. placed #218 on the 2023 Report on Business ranking of Canada’s Top Growing Companies.

Who We Are

CEO Dean has been providing Compliance Solutions for major companies for the past 20+ years and helped design and manage corrosion mitigation programs for over 50,000+ kms of pipelines for the upstream oil and gas industry.

CFO Jami has held the position of CFO for three companies. She brings a wealth of financial knowledge to SolutionCorp.

Technical Specialist Brian brings 46+ years of accounting experience to our organization. Brian assists with client billings and associated duties. He also provides required pipeline manual updates and specific client KPIs for AER/BCOGC compliance. Brian also maintains our Safety Program including ComplyWorks and ISNetworld databases with associated audits. Brian has been employed with Gulf Canada Ltd., Morrison Petroleum Ltd., Northstar Petroleum Corporation, and IntegInc Corporation.

Operations Manager Garth is in charge of pipeline integrity, corrosion mitigation, Risk Assessments and day to day operations of SolutionCorp. He also provides pipeline maps and G.I.S. solutions. Garth brings a wealth of knowledge and a common sense approach to SolutionCorps’ clients.

GIS Technician Responsible for general I.T. tasks, website updates, taking and editing of pictures, compiling FEMP Gasfind and Internal Pipeline inspection videos for companies, creating pipeline maps, and completing Right of Way inspection reports for clients.

FEMP/LDAR Integrity Specialist Jim is responsible for operating the FLIR GFX320 gas find / thermal imaging video camera for our great clients and is also a retired RCMP member.

Senior Operations Consultant Luke brings over 43 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, primarily in production operations. Also providing consultation in regulatory compliance, field management and general operational matters.

Corrosion Technician Tom is working with the team in the pipeline integrity and risk management division performing ROW inspections, field surveys and failure analysis. He has 20 years experience in oil & gas production equipment manufacturing & servicing. Tom is a journeyman automotive mechanic and is a 15 year volunteer and a captain with the Stettler Regional Fire Department.

Integrity Specialist Dino has over 30 years of hands on experience in the oil and gas industry, mostly in plant and field operations. His background in daily operations and field management are an asset in his duties with SolutionCorp’s risk management and pipeline integrity divisions.

Corrosion Technician Kevin started in the oil and gas industry as a instrumentation tech in the late 80’s. He then spent many years farming and building his Automotive accessory and drone company. Kevin now provides drone and pipeline integrity services to SolutionCorp. He holds a SFOC permit for commercial drone work. He also holds a class one license and private pilot license. Kevin volunteers with the Rotary Club of Stettler and the Canadian Ski Patrol.

Administrative Analyst Sophie has over 25 years of administration experience in the oil and gas industry where she worked for Gulf Canada, ConocoPhillips and Pengrowth. She provides expertise with document and data management for our company.

Chief Inspector Wayne has 40+ years’ experience in oil and gas operations, inspection and management. He has been Chief Inspector for several companies including AMOCO Canada during the infancy of the current ABSA regime. He has developed many PEIMS inspection programs for several clients and SolutionCorp’s Inspection Company program. Wayne is an ABSA certified In-service Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspector, an API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector and has a First Class Engineer’s Certificate.

Accounts Payable & Receivable Jerilyne Graduated from Grant MacEwan in 2005 with a diploma in Accounting and Strategic Measurement. She joined the SolutionCorp. Team in 2014 in the Accounting Department. Jerilyne works with Account Receivable, Account Payables and Payroll.​ Jerilyne is a very active volunteer within the community of Stettler.

Administrative Analyst Patti is responsible for data support and online form entry at SolutionCorp.

Field Integrity Specialist Brent has spent 35 years in the O&G industry, from Drilling, completions and Oilfield Waste Management. Brent worked for Tervita for 20 years ending his tenure as Director of Southern Operations where he worked closely with SolutionCorp. At SolutionCorp, Brent enjoys his role supporting field operations for numerous clients from assisting in Turnaround supervision to completing PL Reactivation projects to Abandoning Facilities and associated PL infrastructure.

Hours Worked
Kilometers Driven
Lost Time Injuries
Medical Aid Cases
Vehicle Incidents
Our Clients


Head Office
5006 46th Street
Box 2307, T0C 2L0
Stettler, Alberta
T: 403-742-0123
C: 403-742-7656
F: 403-742-0456
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